Mon-Tue-Wed     9:00am - 6:30pm

Thu-Fri                 9:00am - 4:00pm

​​Sat                        9:00am - 1:00pm

Sun                       Closed

Address: 102 12th Avenue

Camanche, Iowa 52730

Phone: (563) 259-1106

Fax: (563) 259-0917


​​Research Services

Search engines are a great place to start a search of the internet, but there are some other great resources that our library can help you with: With more than 3,500 learning activities and 450 lessons, is the
most comprehensive early learning curriculum available online

EBSCOhost (Please contact the library for userid & password.) - The Camanche Public Library subscribes to this web-based information resource which includes full text magazines, newspapers and reference tools.  You can search it from any computer with internet access - at home, work, school or at the library. Access to EBSCOhost is made possible through a partnership between the State Library of Iowa and Iowa's Area Education Agencies. Primary funding is provided by the State Library using federal Library Services and Technology Act dollars.

eGovt Resources (electronic government)

Iowa Locator - To find books, CDs, DVDs, and other items in libraries.

State Data Center of Iowa - Your source for population, housing, business, and government statistics about Iowa, including data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Iowa state agencies, and other state and federal sources.

State Library of Iowa - Demographic Characteristics: Camanche, IA

WorldCat - To find books, CDs, DVDs, and other items in libraries.

Iowa Heritage Project - A resource for students, educators, historians, genealogists, and anyone else interested in the people, places and institutions of Iowa. The site provides free access to digital collections from a variety of Iowa cultural institutions.

​Iowa Publications Online - Established and operated by State Library of Iowa. This website is an online archive of documents produced by Iowa state agencies and intended for use by the general public.

A to Z in the USA - Perfect for your school report on States or for the U.S. Traveler! It has thousands of U.S. state reports and articles ready to download, royalty-free image collections of flags, vintage postcards, panoramic photos, license plates, and much more. Map collections include thousands of modern and antique maps, and dozens of other categories feature data on geography, government, history, and society and culture. Created by a dedicated team of researchers, cartographers, and writers, the database is continually updated. Call the library for the username and password.

A to Z in the World - The world standard for country profiles, with detailed coverage of more than 100 topics each. No other single source covers so many cultural and educational topics, so well, for so many countries. Call the library for the username and password.

A to Z Food America- The world's largest database of American food, culture, and recipes. With thousands of recipes, hundreds of fascinating culture and ingredient articles, and essential culinary resources, Food America brings United States cuisines to you! Call the library for the username and password.

Subject Guides:

Business and Tax

Career and Jobs

Consumer Information




Home and Garden

Homework Help


Kids' Links

Libraries and Library Resources

Medical and Consumer Health

Search Tools



Voting and Elections
